Sunday, May 9, 2010

Lets Hit Both Sex!

Some people fight with their parents because their parents disapprove of them being in a relationship.

Some people bring their family into the equation when they fight with their partners.

Some people have bad moods all the time because of failure in love life, therefore, by a single spark, they hate their family members.

Some people complain to their partners about how "idiotic" their parents are.

Some people post on facebook how lousy their parents are.

All the above apply on BOTH guys and girls.

Regardless of how crappy ur parents can treat u,
They brought u to this world.
It is their effort that produced u.
YES, U reading this post.

Dam it, stop treating ur parents like idiots!

On that night of making U,
They could have just simply pull the plug from making U simply by just saying they are not in the mood.

BUT, No, They carried on making U!

Without them, Ur faith will be the same like any other washed away sperm!


Happy Mother's Day to my mummy!
Her hobby is to STALK ppl's pictures on FB!

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