Saturday, May 29, 2010


There's a new type of GPS in the market now.
Don't know whether u came across it or not.
They have special features installed in them.

Example of the features:

Please Turn Left now.
(If u never follow)
I ask u to turn left, please do so.
(Again never follow)
If u are not gonna follow wat I say, wat for u buy me.
(Again never follow)
Eh, CIBAI, U wanna follow my directions or not?
(Again never follow)
It will switch off itself.

If u happen to get a GPS, get this one, got other crazy and fun features inside!

It is designed and produced by ME!

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Will Be Back

Will Be Back In A While


Sunday, May 16, 2010

A Little Link Here And There.

Once u go black,
U cannot go back.

Once u go fat,
U cannot fall flat.

Once u go mad,
U will be dead.

Once u go gay,
U will 'BANG' from the other way.

Once u give,
U cannot take.

Once u smile,
U will go the extra mile.

Once u have Sex!
U will want more Sex!

Once u like Jien Jien!
U wont go Ga-Ga!


Sunday, May 9, 2010

Lets Hit Both Sex!

Some people fight with their parents because their parents disapprove of them being in a relationship.

Some people bring their family into the equation when they fight with their partners.

Some people have bad moods all the time because of failure in love life, therefore, by a single spark, they hate their family members.

Some people complain to their partners about how "idiotic" their parents are.

Some people post on facebook how lousy their parents are.

All the above apply on BOTH guys and girls.

Regardless of how crappy ur parents can treat u,
They brought u to this world.
It is their effort that produced u.
YES, U reading this post.

Dam it, stop treating ur parents like idiots!

On that night of making U,
They could have just simply pull the plug from making U simply by just saying they are not in the mood.

BUT, No, They carried on making U!

Without them, Ur faith will be the same like any other washed away sperm!


Happy Mother's Day to my mummy!
Her hobby is to STALK ppl's pictures on FB!

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Sexist post! Lets go!

Girls always complain that they have menstruation,
It's a BIG burden.

And they compare with guys that we guys dont have to go through the menstruation sufferings!


U girls no longer have menstrual problems once u reach menopause.


We Guy's body continue producing sperm for MANY MANY more years after girls stop menstruation!

So, whose the one suffering? LOL!!


Sunday, May 2, 2010

Some Parents~~

Some parents are superb!
They tend to teach their children the best of things.
I know driving is a Great thing to master.


Not at the age of 4 lar,

Do it properly when he/she is 17.


Nooo.... such parents are so smart.
Put their anak-anaks in front of the wheel n drive.
(If u do this in kampung -kampung , busy-less roads) I don mind lar..
They are doing such thing in city roads which got so many ants crawling here n there.

Is there any traffic law like,
*Tidak boleh pegang anak-anak semasa memandu, Hukuman: 30 tahun penjara, denda: RM 3888, atau kedua-duanya*
*Han Jien nampak pemandu memandu dengan anak di depan steering, Han Jien boleh marah, U otak letak di punggung, najis letak dalam kepala? *

When u all become parents, please don do such rubbish.

Wanna do, go arcade center, put money, n u can do it!
Or maybe u got 10 anaks and want 1 to die, then okie lar.
( U scared throwing away, later come out newspapers)

Please THINK!

P/S: Although my mum did put me in front of the wheel, she did it nearby my hse, which at tht time, the car ratio to each hse is 1HSE : Half Car!
So, there were practically no cars!
& that time, i told my mother, *I dont want to drive, Its against the law* LOL!